Wabtec 数字矿山 Unveils Next-Generation Collision Avoidance System


布里斯班,2023年6月6日 – Wabtec (纽交所: WAB) 数字矿山 is setting a new global industry benchmark for workplace safety with the launch of its latest Generation 3 防撞系统(CAS). 新系统将提高安全性和生产率, as well as provide a new level of performance with a rules and intelligence capability.

“保护人们, 资产, and infrastructure is central to Wabtec’s commitment to safety,温迪·麦克米兰说, Wabtec高级区域副总裁, 东南亚, 澳大利亚和新西兰. “我们知道采矿设备的相互作用, 无论是车对人还是车对车, are among the highest safety risks for mining operators. This system’s advanced rules and intelligence engine provide the flexibility to deal with the most complex vehicle interaction scenarios.”

Wabtec’s innovation focus was on shifting from traditional proximity detection to true collision avoidance. 核心功能,如实时自检, personnel detection and secondary sensing capabilities are maintained in the Generation 3 CAS, ensuring the highest levels of performance in the industry.

第三代CAS采用了全新的, 更清洁的, simpler user interface with context-based voice alerts that have been built using the latest human factor design. It replaces “beeps-and-buzzer” analog technology with sophisticated discreet, 定向, 还有声音警告. This interface enables operators to work without distraction and respond instantaneously to audible alerts.

“Generation 3 CAS builds on the success of the previous Wabtec 系统, which have been successfully used by mining companies worldwide for more than two decades,Henro van Wyk说, Vice President and General Manager of Wabtec 数字矿山. “The team worked tirelessly with Glencore Coal 澳大利亚 to deliver the only true collision avoidance system that is not only more advanced, 而且更加用户友好和直观. We’ve now reached a benchmark in terms of performance level that we’re satisfied with, where we can say we’ve really moved the needle forward on the safety front.”

Glencore approached Wabtec with a well-defined set of functional and performance requirements. These requirements included vehicle-to-vehicle interactions and the different types of interactions vehicles can experience at a mining site. These requirements also extended to the user interface design so that vehicle operators receive appropriate feedback from the CAS system.

The user interface was validated by expert in human factor design, Professor Robin Burgess-Limerick from the University of Queensland, 塑造新产品的发展. This led to three years of live proof-of-concept and production testing, 哪一个设定了新的行业基准.

“In 2018 Glencore undertook a review into mining vehicle interaction using the control framework methodology. The outputs from this review were used as the reference point for determining what would become our minimum requirements for what a collision avoidance system should provide in our mining operations,艾希礼·麦克劳德说, 嘉能可区域总经理.

“After assessing various products against our criteria, we selected Wabtec as our preferred supplier. The previous version was built with mining conditions in mind and the Wabtec personnel were eager to improve the next generation product. We are very excited that this collaboration has resulted in a product that will assist in keeping our people safe.” 

第三代CAS, 像前几代人一样, is OEM agnostic and designed to be installed on all machine types. The hardware and software developed for Generation 3 CAS is compatible with the Generation 2 CAS system to ensure a seamless transition through the generations and provides customers a clear path to Wabtec’s advanced Level 9 intervention capabilities. 它最终降低了总拥有成本, while giving existing customers flexibility to transition when they were ready.

“Wabtec 数字矿山 is committed to delivering innovative and reliable technology solutions to the mining industry. 第三代CAS is the latest example of the company's dedication to improving safety, 生产力, 提高矿场的效率. Generation 3 CAS is a product that has been designed and built in 澳大利亚,” said Mr van Wyk.

For more information about the Generation 3 CAS and other Wabtec 数字矿山 products, please visit http://learnon.wolaipei.com/digital-intelligence/digital-mine.


迪士尼3彩乐园 (纽交所: WAB) is revolutionizing the way the world moves for future generations. 该公司是全球领先的设备供应商, 系统, digital solutions and value-added services for the freight and transit rail industries, 还有采矿, 船舶及工业市场. Wabtec has been a leader in the rail industry for over 150 years and has a vision to achieve a zero-emission rail system in the U.S. 在世界范围内. 访问Wabtec的网站 learnon.wolaipei.com.


+1 682-319-7925
蒂姆 (点) 贝德 [at] wabtec (点) com

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